Our Trustee Report and Accounts are freely available to download from the Charity Commission website. As part of this, we are required to summarise the achievements of the Church at Bents Green each year. The Trustee Report and Accounts for the year ending 31 August 2023 included this wording for the achievements section:
The main activities and achievements during the year may be summarised as follows.
1. Maintaining a weekly programme of 3 services of public worship, with two Sunday services and one mid-week. Christingle and the Carol Service have the biggest attendances, with a children’s choir taking part. Messy Church was held quarterly.
2. Providing a wide range of activities for young people, including Junior Church, Sunbeams and Sunrise (for under 5s), Lighthouse (for 5 – 11 year-olds), Lampstand (for 11 – 18 year-olds), Girls’ Brigade, and an annual panto. About 90 children and young people take part in an average week, some attending two or three activities. During the panto season (October to February) this rises to about 150, with about 200 attending on average each week.
3. Running and developing activities for older people, including Friendship Club, Games and Craft, and hosting a fortnightly Dementia Café.
4. Reaching out to the community, including:
- a regular link with WORK, a local charity providing worthwhile occupations for young people with learning difficulties
- our Youth Worker working in 3 local schools
- a Community Fun Day held on 17 June.
5. Encouraging the development of the faith of members through house groups, a weekly tea and toast group, and a monthly men’s group.
6. Providing pastoral support to the growing proportion of the congregation who are frail.
7. Providing facilities for community groups to meet on our premises, including Scottish country dancers, Rhythm time for babies and toddlers, Keep fit, WI, Friends of Porter Valley, Clog dancers, Tai Chi, and various children’s parties.